Hazrat Syed Shah Jamal was born in 1588 CE. He is also known as Hussaini Syed. His father’s name was Syed Ahmad Shah bin Syed Shah Dolat Qattal (Dolat Khishan). Syed Shah Jamal was the 7th descendant of Makhdoom Syed Sadruddin Rajan Qattal, who was a son of Makhdoom Syed Sultan Ahmad Kabir Bin Makhdoom Syed Jalaluddin Surkh-Posh Bukhari.
Syed Shah Jamal belonged to the school of Qadiriyyah and Suhrawardiyya. He lived in Ichra at the time of Mughal emperor Akbar the Great. The emperor, along with the council of his advisers, introduced the Din-i-Ilahi (“Divine Faith”) a syncretic religion intended to merge the best elements of the religions of his empire (primarily Hinduism and Islam; elements were also taken from Christianity, Jainism and Zoroastrianism) and thereby reconcile the sectarian differences that divided his subjects. Syed Shah Jamal fought against Akbar’s Din-i-Ilahi and brought the people back towards the actual spirit of Islam. The saint died in 1671 CE.
At the foot of the stairs leading up to the tomb, there is a regular gathering of pilgrims, who come every Thursday night and Friday morning, following a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years. Dhol is played with devotees (dervish or fakir) dancing in a trance also known as dhamaal. The drummer Pappu Sain is the central attraction and performs on the dhol.
This performance, every Thursday night/ Friday morning, is attended by people from all walks of life—students, government officials, musicians both domestic and international, models, common folk. It is encouraged that people wear simple, plain clothes and come covered, out of respect for the shrine.
The annual urs festival is conducted every year on the 3rd, 4th and 5th days of the Islamic month of Rabi' al-Thani .