Dada Miyan Sarkar was from Ambetha, from where he came to Jabalpur and got settled in Motinala. He used to guide people about Islamic principles and practices and soon became popular among the people. He bought land in Motinala and got Sulemani Masjid constructed. A residential building was also constructed on this land.
Once Dada Miyan went to a barber's shop for shaving. The barber was sad, he lost his son when Dada Miyan asked him the reason, he started weeping and narrated his problem. By the time shaving was finished, his son came to the shop. The barber was glad and asked his son how come you came all of a sudden? we looked for you all around!. The kid replied"this baba sitting here brought me".
Lot of other miracles are also there. People who didn't have children got child on account of Baba's Duas. In general people's wishes were always fulfilled.
Dada Miyan passed away on 18'th Muharram in 1321 Hijri. He was buried in Mandi Madar Tekri Qabristan where a mausoleum was constructed later on. Fatiha is recited here on every Thursdays.
Every year Dada Miya's URS is celebrated on 18'th and 19th dates of Muharram