Though hitorically he is referred to as Ghulam Rifaai, more often than not he was called as Rafiuddin (his laqab/title). His father's name was Shamsuddin Khandar. Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin was born on 19th Jamadis Sani in 1164 Hijri in Khandar (part of then Hyderabad province). Hzarat Shamshuddin had wished for a son at the mosque of Hazrat Maqdoom Haji Syed (RA) (A descendant of Hz Syed Ahmed Kabiir Rifaai (RA)). One day Hazrat Baba Maqdoom appeared in Hazrat Shamshuddin's dream and made the prediction of a male child who would grow up to become a true Islamic great. Thus Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin was born and on the advice of Hazrat Maqdoom was named Ghulam Rifaai.
Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin recieved his early education under the supervision of his father, later under the watchful eye of Maulana Syed Qamaruddin Hussaini he learnt Hdis, Fiqh, Tafseer and other Ulooms. Thereafter he came to the Khankhwa of Hzarat Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool and became his follower. After one year of learning he was awarded Khirkha-E-Khilafat under Quadriya, Nakshbandiya and Rifaaiya traditions by Khwaja Rahmatullah.
Hazrah ShahRafiuddin then went for Hajj and upon his return he opened a khankhwa at Khandar. He expired on the 16th of Rajjab Ul Murajjab in 1241 Hijri and was laid to rest in his own house where Nawab Shamshul Amra later constructed a grand dome(Gumbaz).
Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin Khandari was an able writer with keen interest in poetry. Apart from being a great Islamic scholar he also had mastery over various other subjects and works. His literary works are still safe in the form of letters and books. the famous among them being:
Samratul Makki, Unfaas Aashiqeen, Risala Chishtiya, Sulook Nakshbandiya, Anwar-Ul-Khandar and Tazkira Naubahar.
Undoubtedly the most important among all the Khalifas of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool has to be Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin Khandari (RA) who attained a great position in Silsila-E-Rahmatiya. He was the true Janasheen of Khwaja Rahmatullah.